This is a title that is sure to catch attention. As investors in the markets, we want the upside but not the downside. After all, we want our money to grow up and not go down. It is the reason we invest. We also know that it doesn’t happen that way. Investing is about working […]
Sensex at 60000 – The AAA Manifesto
Yes, the BSE Sensitive Index, popularly known as the Sensex, closed at an all time high of above 60,000 points. This is a moment to revel for investors as well as to reflect. Question: Who do you think benefited the most in this journey? Answer: The one who stuck around, stayed in the game. I […]
Don’t do these 12 things in the current markets
Don’t extrapolate last 18 months returns to the next 18 months. Don’t have your entire portfolio in equity. Diversify and be conservative. Don’t rush into mid and small caps. They give you the worst kind of rides. Don’t exit all your investments out of fear. It is mighty difficult to come back. Don’t bet on […]
Predictions vs Preparation – Quest for Behavioural Alpha
Let’s make some predictions. Here are some ideas to predict for. When will the stock markets fall? How much time will the economy take to recover? Where is the monsoon headed? Will we ever stop wearing masks in public? What will be Trump’s next tweet on China? Oops! Did you see your mind rattle out ‘predictions’? […]
On Money, Investing and Behaviour
It is NOT easy to control our temperament. It is not easy because the number of things happening around us affect us. The information that comes our way through popular media, confuses us. And we, more often than not, give in to them. One needs great strength of mind to navigate through these monsters attacking us in the garb […]
How to fail at investing?
For long, I thought that asset allocation combined with the right investment instruments can lead you to success in investing. There is no dearth of research to prove that asset allocation itself accounts for more than 90% of the returns of a portfolio. Once you realise this, the whole investing operation undergoes a change. It […]