We continue with our learning series – Money Master. It is meant for you if you are willing to explore investing and financial planning in greater depth. With use of case / problem based learning, you get to cruise through a topic / sub topic to understand, solve a problem and, in the process, learn […]
Stop hurting your money!
I was recently visiting a chemical plant of a large petrochemical company in Gujarat. What I discovered there was shocking! I delivered a presentation on money and investing to an audience of close to 100. In my interactions before the presentation, during and after, it came out clear (once again) that dealing with money doesn’t […]
The road to financial ruin and how to avoid it
The Unovest twitter handle follows The Motley Fool. The Fool shares some really insightful notes, quotes and posts. I couldn’t help but share this one with you today on what causes financial ruin. The road to financial regret is paved with: Debt. Commissioned salesmen. Shortsightedness. Ego. Poor education. Overconfidence. — The Motley Fool (@themotleyfool) July 28, 2017 […]