On Oct 9, 2020, RBI gave a lot of reason to the markets for cheer and hope. It took several steps to ensure that economic revival is not curtailed for the lack of funds. However, as you also know, in the wake of higher than expected inflation, the central bank did not cut policy rates […]
[RBI] The Home Loan EMI of the Middle Class
The bottom of the pyramid, the needy and poor got benefits from the Government. The middle class guy who funds all these benefits was left wondering. “Mera number kab Aayega!“. (When is my turn?) Will there be a cash transfer to my account? or free groceries? Will I have to NOT pay electricity bills for […]
RBI rate hike – What does it mean to your money?
RBI has hiked its policy rate by 0.25%. This will likely translate into higher loan rates and may be a little higher deposit rates too. But the more important item has gone amiss in this announcement. And it is important to you. INFLATION. The big reason RBI went ahead with its ‘first in four years’ […]