Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund has been Unovest’s earliest recommendations for building a long term, conservative equity oriented portfolio. Lately, it has received a lot of flak from the readers, investors and clients. “It goes down more than the market but climbs up slower” has been one client’s concern forever. The performance is not […]
Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund – Know your Fund
Can a small mutual fund scheme set the benchmark on industry norms, practise value investing in its truest form, does not have a rockstar image fund manager and yet deliver meaningfully for its investors? Warren Buffett laid out 2 rules with respect to investing. Rule no. 1 – Never lose money; Rule no. 2 – […]
Quantum Long Term Equity Fund – Fund Manager Insights
Atul Kumar, currently the Fund Manager of Quantum Long Term Equity Fund has more than a decade’s experience in equity research and fund management. His strong dedication and simple investment style has won accolades for Quantum Long Term Equity Fund. Atul is also the Fund Manager of Quantum Tax Saving Fund. Atul holds a Bachelors […]