Below is the outcome of the backtesting of the Unovest Dynamic Strategy This is what I did in the above test. Monthly SIP of Rs. 10,000 from Oct 1, 2016 to Apr 1, 2022 (both days included) Yearly Rebalancing or change in portfolio based on in house model Have only 1 investment at any point […]
The value of CPSE ETF
In 2014, the Govt of India used an innovative route to divest its stake in Central Public Central Enterprises – the CPSE ETF. The ETF tracks the Nifty CPSE Index and was launched in March 2014. The Nifty CPSE Index currently holds 12 such CPSEs using criteria such as: Traded on the exchanges At least […]
Sensex at 60000 – The AAA Manifesto
Yes, the BSE Sensitive Index, popularly known as the Sensex, closed at an all time high of above 60,000 points. This is a moment to revel for investors as well as to reflect. Question: Who do you think benefited the most in this journey? Answer: The one who stuck around, stayed in the game. I […]
Savings, Stupidity, Stability – Confessions of an industry insider
I have worked for 17 years in the financial industry, more specifically, investments. Even more specific – Mutual Funds. I was better placed to understand the investment world. But must admit that it did not save me from committing some stupid mistakes. In fact, contrary to the popular perception, most of the people from the […]
A stark reminder from the stock market on Wealth Creation
“You didn’t know it then, you don’t know it now!” As simple a reminder as it can be. Earlier this year (2020), fear was at its peak with investors looking at a full scale recession, drop in business activity and hence a very long period of no growth (even negative) in stocks. This was around […]