Can factor based investing or smart beta portfolios make a difference to your portfolio? Let’s find out.
Chasing alpha – Aren’t market returns sufficient?
To all alpha chasers – “Don’t risk what you have and what you need for what you don’t have and don’t need.” I am sure you have been in a situation on the road, when you see vehicles in the other lane moving faster, manoeuvre yourself to get there, only to realise that the lane […]
Investor and Irony
The irony of our behaviour as investors is that investing should help us prosper yet our actions leads to the opposite. We suffer because what we believe, what we say and what we do are out of sync. There is a big gap. Let me show you how. Here are some examples. First the most […]
How to generate behavioural alpha?
It is a known fact that the returns of an investment instruments (say mutual fund) and the actual return of an investor vary significantly. Why is that? Before we take it up, let’s look at this question. Is it advisable to continue SIP for ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Equity Fund Growth Direct Plan (return of […]