The Finance Bill 2023 was passed in the Parliament in the last week of March. It had some new tax provision changes, sneaked in the last minute. Debt Funds and REITs got a further tax burden with additional tax compliance.
Benjamin Franklin has been known to say, “there are only 2 certainties in life – Death and Taxes.”
I am sure now there is a third one – Death by Taxes.
Humour aside, the taking away of the tax benefit from the debt funds can spur the fund managers into some real work, as some of the voices have been saying.

Let’s find out more in the newsletter itself.
We cover the following in the Lighthouse April 2023 edition:
A new agenda for the new financial year 2023
Death by Taxes is the new certainty
Market Indicators – What should investors do now?
The Magic Formula of Stocks – with a performance update
Fund Watchlist
What is the VIX rank telling us?
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