If you are an investor in stocks or mutual funds or are planning to invest in them now, one of the key requirements is to complete your KYC. In fact, you now need to comply with the new KYC requirements with the Central KYC Registry.
KYC stands for Know your customer, wherein you provided necessary personal, financial and other contact details to help understand the customer and his/her identification for all financial transactions.
It is highly likely that you have completed your KYC in the past. Even if you have already done a KYC, it is time that you upgrade to CKYC or Central KYC.
The idea behind CKYC is to make it the single KYC for all investment and related activities that you undertake and hence save you the time, money and effort involved in doing multiple applications with multiple agencies.
CKYC can be done offline as well as online.
However, if you are submitting a physical application, you need to download the form on this link. This is a supplementary information form to the original KYC that you did before.
Fill it and submit it to MFU, CAMS and KFintech.
Do take care and fill according to the necessary instructions as provided in the form. Some of the most important ones are:
The name should match the name as provided in the proof of identity.
If PAN is not available, father’s name is mandatory.
All documents should be self attested and accompanied with originals for verification. If originals are not provided then attestation by a valid authority has to be done. (Read the information provided on the form)
In Person Verification has to be carried out by SEBI authorised agencies. This includes Bank Managers, AMC personnel or mutual fund distributors.
If you are already CKYC complied and want to modify your CKYC details, use the form on this link.
How will you know if your CKYC is complete? The CKYC Identifier
The Central KYC registration process can take upto 2 weeks post submission of application.
Once your CKYC is registered, you will receive a 14 digit CKYC identifier on your mobile or eMail. Please remember there are no physical letters sent out for CKYC.
On a SMS, it reads like this. (*marks will be replaced by actual numbers)
“Your KYC details have been registered with Central KYC Registry. Your CKYC identifier is 100********997.”
Once you receive this, your CKYC is complete.
If you don’t receive an SMS, please check with the agency with which you submitted your information and they can check up the CKYC database to know if your CKYC is completed.
Now, every time you deal with an investment product, you can simply furnish this 14 digit CKYC identifier. That’s it.
If you are doing a fresh KYC for investing in mutual funds, most mutual funds provide an online facility for the same.